3 Super Fun Ways To Use Leftover Wrapping Paper

It's very rare you will wrap a gift and have the exact right amount of wrapping paper for a present. There are usually awkward strips and squares left over that are too small to wrap up another gift, yet are too big to throw away. Especially if it has a beautiful pattern on it that you like. 

Below are some ways you can repurpose gift wrap and use your beautiful leftover pieces of wrapping paper to not only be a bit more eco but to also save yourself some money. 

In this journal post we will show you how to make 3 easy ways of making:

1. Gift Bag

2. Gift Tag

3. Bookmark

Read on to see how we made these fantastic useful gifting ideas using just a couple of pieces of wrapping paper, sticky tape and twine!

how to make a gift bag


1. Get your leftover bits of wrapping paper we have used an A4 sized sheet from each of the Blue and White Daisy Wrapping Paper pack.

(You can use any size as long as the pieces are the same length and width. keeping in mind that the smaller the sheets, the smaller the gift bag will be)

Put both sides facing down and the right way around you want the pattern to be. Fold the length approximately 1.5cm in and fold the end which will be the top about 1.5cm in as well.

Unfold and cut the small square make by the creases in the corner.

 how to make a gift bag


how to make a gift bag 

2. Separate the wrapping paper sheets and stick a strip of double sided tape on the length of one of the folds.

use the double sided tape over the length of the fold

3. Stick the sheets together by sticking the non-folded side of sheet 2 to sheet 1 and ensuring the 'top' folds you created are both on the same end of the bag. make sure your wrapping paper is facing outwards.


peel the doucble sided tape, get your other sheet, stick length of sheet to the other making sure the top fold are facing the same way

 top side facing the same way and folded inward, stick length sides fold to flat

4. Now stick the opposite length side down. Put double sided tape to the length of wrapping paper with the fold, peel off and carefully stick down to your flat side as you did in the previous step.

Stick and peel  double sided tape, fold in and stick down to other side

Now you should have 2 sheets of wrapping paper stuck together on both sides.

Watch the video tutorial here to see the process more clearly >

5. Now you can start making the bottom. Fold the bottom of the bag (the side that hasn't been folded yet) about 3.5cm, you can fold both layers in the same direction, you are just trying to make the crease at this stage. Unfold this section and make it flat again.

Fold approx 3.5cm


Open up bottom of the bag fold in points on both sides

Keep these side folds in place.

Fold one side up to  make the crease

 This fold needs to be halfway up, we'll all this 'Fold A'. Unfold and fold the opposite side 3/4 of the way over 'Fold B'.

Fold 3/4 of the  opposite side

 6. Stick small amount of double sided tape to the corner creases on Fold A and fold up to stick.

Stick double sided tape on the  of the edges of folds

Stick tape to edges  and the length of the  opposite edge

Peel off and stick down. Now you have sealed the bottom of the gift bag.

 7. Next, fold the sides of the bag again approximately 1 - 2 cm on each side.

Both layers folded over on each side to create crease8. loosen up folds and unfold all edges fully by placing your hand inside the bag, this should take the form of a gift bag now. Neaten up the sides to give it a more finished look.


9.  Now we can make the handles, punch 2 holes in the centre of the top of the bag. Get your twine, and cut 2x even lengths for handles depending on how long you want them. 

Thread twine through the holes on each side

Thread twine through the holes on and tie them in a knot on either side.


gift wrap bag

 how to make your own gift tag, what you will need

watch the video tutorial on how to make gift tag


1. Start by making your wrapping paper and gift tag the same size and stick them together using the glue stick. Trim any bits of wrapping paper that overlap the card.

2. Crafting Hack - Cut into a tag 'shape' easily by trimming a corner and using the off-cut as a stencil to match.

Craft Hack:  Using off cut of corner to stencil on the  other side

 3. Punch a hole in the pointed end and thread twine 

Punch a hole  in this end

 4. Thread the twine through the hole using a quick Lark's Head Knot.

Thread twine  through the hole


5. Write on the back and attach it to your present!

matching floral gift tag and wrap


how to make a bookmark out of left over wrapping paper

 Shop Whistlefish Wrapping Paper >


1. Get your strips of wrapping paper and cut them both to a matching width, thinner than the thick tape, and the length you want to bookmark to be.

2. Glue the reverse side and stick them so the pattern is facing outwards, and stick.

3. Use the thick tape to stick over one side, then flip it and stick to the other side.

4. Trim the tape to give it a more finished look

5. Punch a hole into the top of your bookmark and tie some twine


Was this journal useful, What do you like to do with your leftover wrapping paper? Let us know in the comments below

discover more arts and crafts 

1 comment

What great ideas! Will definitely keep in mind, especially with Christmas on the horizon!

Rosemary November 15, 2023

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